
樂時國際有限公司 Joy Time International Limited

Advion Cockroach 高效滅蟑螂葯餌盒

Advion Cockroach 高效滅蟑螂葯餌盒


Use sites include but are not limited to single and multi-family residential buildings, schools, commercial and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, food handling / storage establishments), and transportation equipment such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, buses.

適用場所包括住宅、學校、商業和工業設施 (包括倉庫、公寓、超市、餐館、汽車旅館、酒店、醫院,食品處理設施以及運輸工具;如飛機、火車、輪船和公共汽車等。

Advion®Arena 誘餌盒是一種含有 Indoxacarb 作為主要成份的蟑螂誘餌殺蟲劑通過蟑螂的進食引起作用。誘餌盒可用於控制室內蟑螂種群。誘餌盒應放置在蟑螂藏身或經常出沒的附近區。


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